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  • Explore Continuing Education Credits for Psychologists

    When it comes to finding continuing education credits for psychologists, Professional Psych Seminars can help. We offer a large selection of course offerings to help mental health professionals to stay updated on topics and research that affect their patients and their practice the most. When you purchase one of our courses, you can work at your own pace as we don’t have a time limit for completing courses. This is especially great for those with busy schedules.

    Cutting Edge of Mind-Body Medicine: From Immunology to Neuroscience Online Course

    The Cutting Edge of Mind-Body Medicine: From Immunology to Neuroscience course focuses on mental health. The course focuses on how negative childhood experiences may set the stage for patients to have substance abuse problems or chronic illnesses. The instructor, Dr. Borysenko, examines how physical and mental homeostasis can occur and how to rewire neurohormonal circuitry. Some interventions explored are meditation, resilience training, mindfulness, and narrative medicine. There is a main focus on healing and how to optimize the therapeutic bond. Dr. Borysenko is a licensed psychologist and a New York Times bestseller author of 15 books with a doctorate in cell biology from Harvard Medical School.

    Some objectives of this course include:

    • Compare and contrast the explanatory style of patients who are prone to depression
    • Describe three ways to make a left shift in cortical activity in patients
    • List six categories of adverse childhood experience that can lead to chronic illness
    • Name three psychological factors that can lead to inflammation and predispose patients to major or chronic illness later in life.

    Learn More About Continuing Education Credits from Professional Psych Seminars

    When you’re looking for continuing education credits for mental health professionals, Professional Psych Seminars offers many courses to choose from. They are taught by seasoned experts in the mental health field and help mental health professionals like you to learn what valuable topics that can apply directly to your practice. To learn more about continuing education credits or to sign up for any of our CEUs online, call our professional team today at 77-777-0668 or visit our website at